Fixinator: Terms of Use

By using the Fixinator command, Fixinator website, Fixinator client or the Fixinator REST API ("Services") you agree and acknowledge to be bound by these Terms of Service ("Terms"). If you do not agree to these Terms or to our Privacy Policy, please do not access the API or use the Fixinator Services. Fixinator / Foundeo Inc. reserves the right to change these Terms at any time. We recommend that you periodically check this Site for changes.

Fixinator / Foundeo Inc. grants you a limited license to access the Site, API and use the Services in accordance with these Terms and the instructions and gui posted on the Site. Fixinator / Foundeo Inc. reserves the rights to terminate your license to use the Site and Services at any time and for any reason.

Source Code Scanned by the REST API

Unless you have configured the enterprise edition of Fixinator to run on your own server, Fixinator will send source code to be scanned to the Fixinator REST API (

Policy Last Updated: March 6, 2019